HERBAL MEDICINE TO CURE HIV / AIDS +27682935641 African herbal medicines in the

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      African herbal medicines in the treatment of HIV IN NAMIBIA, BOTSWANA,SOUTHAFRICA , NETHERLANDS, USA, UK
      Cultural values are an inherent part of healthcare and an important component of practicing evidence-based healthcare In the context of HIV treatment in Africa, patients often choose traditional healing systems as primary care. This, coupled with the difficulties in accessing antiretroviral treatment, justify further efforts to determine the scope of traditional medicine use, identify the negative consequences of this practice and evaluate the benefits of herbal remedies. In addition, it is important to understand the values of those providing mainstream healthcare and those practicing traditional medicine as their perspectives provide highly relevant social inferences and should be interpreted with an attempt to understand their cultural worldviews and practices.

      In conclusion, given the Global Fund’s recent announcement of funds to make anti-retroviral therapy widely available in Africa, and the South African Ministry of Health, along with member states and NGO’s endorsement of the use of traditional African herbs such as Hypoxis and Sutherlandia as HIV/AIDS remedies +27682935641 initiating policy on herbal medicines should be based on research evidence. Efforts are required to determine the safety, efficacy and pharmacological profile of the many herbal compounds used in Africa. Collaboration with traditional healers is justified to fully understand what remedies are in use for HIV and to educate those providing alternative medical services against unsafe practices.

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